Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Rest

Friday I overdid it... big time. On Friday morning, Cindy and I ran 8 km together. In the afternoon, I was scoping out a prospective triathlon course and did 40 km cycling on some CRAZY hills. (That is not the course we'll use.) I was a hurting puppy by Friday night.

This weekend was about rest and recovery. Cindy and I did Tae Bo on Saturday AM, which is a great aerobic workout that I've found works well for me when I need to recover. Saturday and Sunday we went up to Huai Khum resort, about an hour north of Chiang Rai. We did some walking at the resort and I got some writing done.

This morning, we had the owner of the resort take some family pictures for us. Here's one of the family this morning.


Mike said...

Sounds like a nice restful weekend after a hard Friday! So now you have to research more bike routes :)

Paul Tedder said...

Nice picture! It sounds like you had a great weekend!

Tim Wilson said...

Nice looking family! Yea, that sounds like a lot of work, the rest and recovery I am sure did you some good.... at least you look like it in the pic :)