Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kickin' Tae Bo

This morning Cindy and I were going for a run, which I was really excited about. Being together with her and challenging each other with our running pace is really fun. Instead, we woke though to the sound of a steady drizzle.

We reconsidered our workout plan. "Let's do Tae Bo", Cindy said. "We haven't done that together in a while!" I have to admit that my response wasn't enthusiastic. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I thought I had "graduated" from Tae Bo as I'd lost some of this weight.

You see, Tae Bo was one of the exercises that I was able to do when I was severely obese and over 300 lbs. Ok... Well, I couldn't do it at the same pace as Billy Blanks, but I could do the routine at a 1/2 speed pace, get a great workout, burn the calories, and see improvement over time. Somehow I had decided that my more recent swimming, biking, and running in preparation for a triathlon was much more cool exercise and a better workout. WRONG!

We went into the living room, moved around the furniture and started the workout. I had put on my heartrate monitor, because I was curious what kind of workout I was going to get. My goodness! Within minutes I was at 120 beats per minutes and then the real workout began. A few minutes later, I glance at my watch and it's registering 149 beats per minute! I'm getting a serious workout.

In the months since I did Tae Bo last, I'd forgotten what a fun workout it is. Billy Blanks is always so encouraging and I was amazed that after losing 109 lbs, I can do the workout at full speed, rather than my old 1/2 speed pace.

What a awesome workout! I promise... I will not diss Tae Bo again! Promise!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Tae Bo looks ... erm ... dangerous! :)haha