Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back in the Saddle... Again!

I'm thrilled! I'm back in Chiang Rai and got an hour bike ride and 30 minutes of swimming today. My first "double" in a month...

It's just nice to be back. The great news is that I ended up losing weight while I was on vacation. While I wasn't working out as much and eating some snacks, my meals have just shifted to healthy stuff. I crave vegetables and fruit. I love fresh stuff. Fried just doesn't cut it anymore!

Anyway, before we had a church team visit and vacation, I had hit the 100 lbs weight loss mark (259 lbs) and bounced up a little to the low 260's. I weighed myself after my first week of vacation and I was at 264. I kept the course by eating healthy foods and getting in workouts where I could.

On coming back to Chiang Rai on Sunday, I weighed in at 257 lbs (lower than my prior low) and today I weighed in at 252! That's 107 lbs lost total since Sept 1st 2007!

Anyway, vacation was great but I'm thrilled to be back home with my bike, a nearby swimming pool, and my weight bench and elliptical machine out on the back porch!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Great work on the weight loss :)