Monday, June 16, 2008

New Personal Record!

Amazing! There is no other word for it! I have been running near a 12 minute mile, usually just over 12 minutes. Today, I decided I was going to break that barrier! I decided to take my own advice from my PR bike time and do 2 minutes at a regular "fast" pace and then 2 minutes pushing the pace 10-20% then back to regular "fast" pace for recovery, etc. Back and forth for the entire 33:53 5k run... Yes! For those who do math fast in your head, that is not only less than 12, but less than 11 minute miles!!! I ran the 5k with 10:35 miles, which I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about. I broke several barriers that I wasn't sure I'd ever break!

What an amazing run! If any of you out in cyberland try my 2 minute fast - 2 minute faster running or biking, let me know what it does to your speed. I'm curious...

Here's a picture right after my "record breaking" run :-) Notice the large amounts of sweat.

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Well done! Feels good doesn't it!