Sunday, July 27, 2008


What a lot has changed in a year!

One year ago, my family was returning to Thailand after a few months visit in the states.  Today is our first full day back in the states, where we will be making our home in Simpsonville, SC.

One year ago, I weighed 359 lbs and looked like the picture on the left.  Two days ago, as I was passing through the exit passport check in Thailand, the immigration officer scanned my passport and then looked at me with serious concern.  "This is not you!", the officer spoke.  I said "What?" and looked at the image she showed me on her computer screen.  It was me as I entered Thailand a year ago.  All the fat and my beard made me look like a different person.  I started laughing as she looked at me confused.  I told her I'd lost 50 kgs over the past year and yes, the picture was me.  She smiled and processed my exit stamp on the passport.

My first thought was how I looked forward to blogging this.  How funny!

On a sad note, I weighed in last night and had gained some weight during the move and vacations.

I'm not going to fret too much as I get to begin my routine in America today.  This afternoon looks like a great time for a walk/run.  There's fresh strawberries in the fridge to go with the homemade granola that my Mother-in-law made for us yesterday.  What a blessing!

I'm writing this at 5:40 am, since my jet lagged body didn't want to sleep past four.  It's great to be back in America, back to blogging, and back in my foundational four:  workouts, healthy foods, water, and sleep.

It's hard to explain how excited I am to get into a healthy routine again!


Andrew is getting fit said...

Wow William! You've made some amazing changes indeed.

I love that story!

Frayed Laces said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! You look amazing! I can't say it enough!

And thanks for the delicious rock-climbing eye candy. Yum.

Tony said...

OMG, you DO look like a completely different person. Seriously, congratulations.

Tim Wilson said...

Congrats on an awesome year!

Brian Hamilton said...

I was just surfing around and saw your picture. Holy Wow, that's incredible.