Sunday, January 27, 2008

You won't get fat eating an apple

I remember once when losing weight wondering how many calories an apple had. My Mom looked at me like I was crazy and said "You won't get fat eating an apple". You know, it's so true. In making a shift from being unhealthy and very fat (359 lbs), to making healthy choices and losing the excess weight, I've thought often of her remark.

Cindy and I have not been counting calories during our weight loss, we've instead been choosing healthy foods. Our typical breakfast has been homemade granola with yogurt and fruit. Our lunches are often salads with a bit of meat topping. Our dinner is has a meat, veggies, and a serving a potato, rice, or homemade bread. In between meals, we snack on healthy choices like a piece of fruit or some nuts.

The most important diet choice is to choose healthy foods. We've gotten so warped in our concept of what is healthy. Somehow a calorie-reduced processed snack food is advertised as a better choice than a natural, wholesome food. Don't believe it!

You won't get fat eating an apple.

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